Monday, July 15, 2024

Nursing Home Abuse.

The Ken Wagner Law Firm stands on a particular premise. It represents folks who have been injured or killed as the result of the fault of another. In that regard, nursing home abuse remains rampant in Albuquerque and around The Great Southwest.

Nursing homes everywhere may have inadequate training, with a staff that may be overworked as well as underpaid. Residents are dependent on the staff for most or even all of their needs. Some neglect is obvious, while others are not!

For some of the signs of nursing home neglect, please visit our website The Ken Wagner Law Firm of Albuquerque, founded by Ken himself, won the landmark “McDonalds Hot Coffee Lawsuit” after all. Give them a call to discuss potential nursing home abuse in your family.  

Monday, July 1, 2024

Workplace Injuries.

Especially this time of year, injuries in the workplace occur every day in The Great Southwest. If you or a loved one has been injured in a workplace mishap of any kind there is something you need to know. The Ken Wagner Law Firm of Albuquerque has recovered millions of dollars for people injured in workplace accidents.

Take construction accidents for example. When an injury occurs at a construction site, expert witnesses are required. The work performed, or the equipment being used at the time of the accident, play significant roles.

The expert lawyers at The Ken Wagner Law Firm know how to win a workplace injury lawsuit. If you have had an accident anywhere in The Great Southwest on the job site, please call The Ken Wagner Law Firm located in Albuquerque right away.