Thursday, August 15, 2024

Burn Accidents.

Do you need a burn injury attorney in The Great Southwest? Ken Wagner Law Albuquerque has over 50 years of experience in dealing with burn injuries. What you should know is that Ken Wagner was the lead attorney in the famous “McDonald’s Hot Coffee Case”.

Injuries from burns are classified in three ways –

1. 1st Degree: affects only the outer layer of the skin.

2. 2nd Degree: the skin turns red and there is a lot of pain and blisters.

3. 3rd Degree: not only affects the skin, but the underlying tissues as well.

Ken Wagner Law of Albuquerque is a free phone call away to get a burn lawyer to look into your case. You may need specialized representation from Ken Wagner Law. Just visit the website and read about “The McDonald’s Hot Coffee Case”.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Motorcycle Accidents.

For those that don’t drive them, maybe motorcycles are an afterthought. Anyone who has been involved in a motorcycle accident in The Great Southwest knows the gravity of an accident on a motorcycle. The guy (or lady) in the car or truck almost always wins!

Here is a sobering statistic: Motorcycle accidents are the leading cause of death of people between the ages of six and thirty-three in the United States. Ken Wagner Law knows this and has represented people who have been involved in motorcycle accidents.

Ken Wagner Law, located in Albuquerque, is the right firm to call if you or a loved one has been in a motorcycle accident anywhere in The Great Southwest. In most cases, a motorcycle accident is not the fault of the motorcyclist. Call Ken Wagner Law in Albuquerque for a free consultation.