Tuesday, April 21, 2020

When Does a Burn Injury Merit a Lawsuit?

When a person suffers a catastrophic burn injury because of someone’s negligence or malicious intent, that person has every right to seek compensation under the law.  It may be difficult to know how a burn injury case will be resolved or how much a victim will receive.  Deciding if a claim is worth pursuing depends on several variables.

You must have three elements that are proven by a preponderance of the evidence –

1.  Prove that the defendant had a “duty of care”.
2.  An employer does not correct an unsafe work environment.
3.  You must prove that the breach of care directly resulted in your injuries.

I suppose that in The Great Southwest there are a handful of law firms that can represent you in a burn case.  Here is a suggestion.  Why not call the firm owned by the person who helped Stella Liebeck…go ahead, Google her name.  You should know exactly what to do next.  Call Ken Wagner Law of Albuquerque at (505) 242-6300.

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