Monday, June 8, 2020

Nursing Home Abuse…and its Signs.

As we discovered recently, if you have loved ones who are elderly they could be exposed to a number of things.  There are more than 1.4 million senior citizens living in nursing homes around the US.  Elderly residents are a particularly vulnerable population, with mental or physical incapacitation leaving them more susceptible to abuse and neglect.

Here are just some of the types of abuse that could occur –

1.  Physical abuse…usually easy to spot.
2.  Sexual abuse…any non-consensual contact.
3.  Emotional abuse…not always so simple to detect.
4.  Exploiting one’s finances.
5.  Simple neglect.

There are many ways to tell if your loved one has been mistreated in a nursing home located in The Great Southwest.  Sometimes, you don’t see them every day, so you are not “on top of the situation.”  If you suspect nursing home abuse against someone you love, call Albuquerque nursing home abuse law firm Ken Wagner Law.  That number is (505) 242-6300.

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